University of Virginia Library


Selective Service Announces New Classification

Selective Service Director Curtis W.
Tarr instructed local draft boards
Tuesday that 11,000 men who have
received induction notices but have not
yet reported for duty will now be
classified in the Second Priority Selection
Group and won't be drafted unless there
is a national emergency.

This affects men whose original 1971
induction dates were postponed until the
first call of 1972 or until further notice,
as well as those whose postponements
were scheduled to end on a specific date
before April 1.

Also granted this reprieve are 115,000
men who became eligible for induction in
1971 but did not receive induction

Ordinarily their draft liability would
be extended for the first three months of
the following year, but since there will be
no draft calls in the first three months of
1972, their classification has been
redesignated as Second Priority Selection

Law Applicants Double

The number of applicants to the
School of Law doubled between 1968
and 1971 according to Law School
Admissions Office. In the fall of 1968
there were 1,766 applicants, a number
which rose to 3,536 in the fall of 1971.

The ratio of applications to
admissions offers has increased from 2 to
1 to 7 to 1 in the past four years. Law
school aptitude test scores averaged 621
in the fall of 1967, and 644 in 1971.
Applicant grade point averages rose from
3.06 to 3.20.

Labor Lecture

Bernard A. Weisberger, noted social
historian, author, and editor of American
Heritage, will deliver a lecture, "Labor in
the United States, 1896-1916," in the
McGregor Room of Alderman Library
tonight at 7:30 p.m. Immediately
following the lecture, a reception will be
given in the Graduate Lounge.

Tomorrow night at 9 a.m. in Room
4-A of Newcomb Hall Mr. Weisberger will
conduct an informal seminar on "Popular
Religion in the Nineteenth Century."

Singapore Ambassador

The Honorable Shunmugam
Jayakumar, permanent representative of
Singapore to the U.N. and Singapore
Ambassador to Canada will address the
John Bassett Moore Society of
International Law at 4 p.m. today in the
Clark Hall Law Lounge. His speech, "The
Twenty-sixth Session of the U.N. General
Assembly-An Overview," will deal with
the recent admission of Communist China
to the U.N.