University of Virginia Library

Honorary Societies Tap New Members


Over the party weekend the social
honoraries of T.I.L.K.A., Eli Banana, and
the IMP Society inducted new members
in a traditional manner customary to
every Openings weekend.

The Imps, a ring society conducted
their tapping last Saturday night.
Marching in bright red devil's caps and
carrying long pitchforks, they select members
during the three big party weekends of the

The Hotfoot Society, founded in 1906, was
the forefather of the IMP Society. At that time
their primary goal was the public crowning of
their king. Feeling that such a public display
was undesirable, the Administration soon
forced them to disband. A very short while later
the IMP Society was initiated by many former
Hotfoot members.

Led by King Terry Dan, Queen Gu Howell
and one-eyed Jacks Hal Bogard and Jay Connor
the IMP Society now selects students who have
made outstanding contributions to the
University. The newly elected members include
Jim Carmack, third-year Engineering; Fenton
Priest, third-year College; and Brian Siegel,
fourth-year College.

Kicking off the big weekend early, the two
ribbon societies of T.I.L.K.A. and Eli Banana
paraded up and down Rugby Road and
Madison Lane Thursday night tapping new

Founded in 1879, Eli Banana is the older of
the two social honoraries. Membership is based
on leadership as well as creative ability. They
inducted four undergraduates, all college
students. These members are John Kovacevich,
fourth-year; David Musselwhite, fourth-year;
King Oehmig, third-year; and Howard Taylor,

T.I.L.K.A. was founded in 1889. To be
initiated into this ribbon society one must have
made a significant contribution to the
University. Possible members are evaluated not
only in terms of past performance but also
according to their potential.

Newly tapped members include Jack Anse,
fourth-year Medical student; Nancy Armistead,
a fourth-year Nursing student; Alan Barringer,
third-year law; Alan Botsford, fourth-year
Commerce; and Tom Buchanan, fourth-year

Other T.I.L.K.A. members inducted
Thursday are Tony Castle, a third-year Medical
student; Jay Connor, fourth-year College; Gary
Helman, fourth-year College; Gene Leckhart,
fifth-year Engineering; and Jac McCormick,
fourth-year Commerce.

Also tapped by T.I.L.K.A. were Stu Pape, a
second-year Law student; Peter Shea,
fourth-year College; Brian Siegel, fourth-year
College; and Pat Whitlow, fourth-year College.