University of Virginia Library

Current Nixon Advisor
To Fill Economics Chair


Herbert Stein, a chief economic
advisor to President Nixon, was named to
become the A. Willis Robertson professor
of economics by the University's Board
of Visitors Friday.

Dr. Stein, a member of the President's
Council of Economic Advisors since
1969, will join the faculty after fulfilling his
commitment on the Council in February,
1973. In addition to his teaching duties, the

economist will be a member of the Center for
Advanced Studies at the University.

"The University is fortunate to have a man
of such eminent qualifications joining the
faculty," commented Vice President and
Provost Dr. David A. Shannon. "Dr. Stein
brings with him immeasurable experience
gained at the highest level of economic policy
making and will be a valuable asset to the

A native of Michigan, Dr. Stein was
educated in Detroit. His activities as an
economist began during World War II when he
served with the War Production Board. He was
also instrumental in the Office of War
Mobilization and Reconversion. After the war,
Dr. Stein furthered his reputation as an
economist with the Commission on Economic
Development. He served in several capacities on
that body, finally becoming its vice-president
and chief economist in 1967.

The Robertson professorship, honoring
Virginia's former U.S. Senator, is one of two
professorships established at the University
through a fund drive lead by the Virginia
Bankers' Association.

Dr. Stein was granted a senior fellowship at
the Brookings Institute. In 1969 he was
appointed to the President's Economic
Advisory Council.