University of Virginia Library

Council Keeps
Insurance Plan

By Ann Brown
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The Student Council voted last
Tuesday night to continue sponsoring the
hospitalization insurance plan
underwritten by The Life Insurance
Company of North America. An increase
in rates for next year will include broader
coverage in the area of mental illness.

Kevin Mannix, Student Council
president, reported that he felt students
had been generally satisfied with the
coverage of the LINA program, although
some thought the coverage provided this
year for psychiatric care was insufficient.
Mr. Mannix stated that Dr. James L. Camp III
Director of the Department of Student Health
at the University, has expressed satisfaction
with the proposed coverage and rate increase
for next year.

Council also voted to approve an increase
from $70 to $80 for a single student, from
$132 to $142 for student and spouse, and from
$192 to $200 for student, spouse and children.

Of the ten dollar increase in the first two
policy programs, seven dollars reflects an
increase in room and board at the University
Hospital during the last year. The three dollar
portion of the increase provides for the greater
coverage for mental and nervous disorders.

A general mailing will be made by the CI&I
Corporation to all University students about
the middle of August. The information will
include a description of the plan and an
enrollment form. The descriptive brochure will
include for the first time this year, the
program's surgical schedule. Students may also
request a copy of the master group policy.

All students of the University currently
must carry either the LINA coverage or a
comparable policy under some other company.