University of Virginia Library

Food Fund Aids
D.C. Prisoners

Responding to reports that those
arrested in Wednesday's demonstration
were being held without bail, and were
not being fed by the authorities, a
number of people from the University
community met last night to raise money
for a food and Legal Defense Fund.

Ken Lewis, National Student Association
coordinator and one of about 15 University
students arrested at the Capitol and charged
with unlawful entry, reported that, "The police
aren't feeding us. What food we are getting is
being donated by churches in the Black

Protesters were transported in buses and
vans to the same RFK training field where
other demonstrators were held until Tuesday.
They have been there since that time.

Donations to the fund are being collected at
the Student Council Office. Kevin Mannix
requested that anyone who could help collect
additional money should meet this afternoon at
2 p.m. in front of the Charlottesville Draft
Board on Arlington Boulevard to canvass
Barracks Road and distribute leaflets
concerning the situation.

Also discussed was the possibility of
carrying the information and collection to
Charlottesville's churches this Sunday, which,
according to Don Fleck, a member of the group
picketing the local Draft Board, would serve "as
part of the continuing effort to stop the war."