University of Virginia Library

Students Hike
Against Hunger

Several high school and University
students have begun plans for The
Charlottesville Hike For Development, a
program sponsored by The American
Freedom From Hunger Foundation. This
is a nationwide organization that was
created in 1961 at the request of
President John F. Kennedy.

The purpose of the Hike For
Development is to focus community
attention on the pressing problems of
hunger and poverty throughout the world
and to raise funds for self-help projects
that attack the root causes of these

The Hike program centers on a 25
mile hike to be held in Charlottesville on April
24, 1971. In the weeks before the hike,
participants will ask businessmen, friends, and
community groups to pledge to pay them a
certain amount for each mile that they hike.

Fifteen percent of the money collected will
go to The American Freedom From Hunger
Foundation, a non-profit organization, to
further its national programs. The remaining
85% will be split between a self-help project in
Charlottesville and a self-help project abroad.
Each project will be selected by the
Charlottesville Hike Committee and approved
by the Foundation.

Anyone interested in working with the Hike
may call the Hike coordinator Don Bradley, at
296-9042, or write or call the Hike office at
Westminster Presbyterian Church, 190 Rugby
Road, telephone 293-3133.