University of Virginia Library

Writer Speaks On
Social Behavior

The internationally known geographer
and writer, Jean Gottman, will deliver the
annual Page-Barbour Lectures today,
tomorrow, and Thursday at 8 p.m. in
Gilmer Hall auditorium.

Mr. Gottman, who coined the term
"megalopolis," will speak on the theme,
"The People and Their Territory:
Reconsideration of a Basic Relationship."

His topic today will be "Security and
Opportunity: The Organization of
Accessible Space," and tomorrow he will
discuss "Liberty Versus Equality: The
Competition for Progress Between

Thursday's topic will be "Crossroads and
Frontiers Amidst Modern Fluidity and

Mr. Gottman is professor of geography at
the University of Oxford and a former member
of Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study. He
has also been director of studies and research at
the United Nations department of social

Mr. Gottman directed the Twentieth
Century Fund's study of the
Boston-Washington urban strip from 1956-61.
His two-volume report on the study is entitled

The megalopolis study formed the basis for
the Virginia urban corridor study conducted in
1969-70 by the University's Center for the
Study of Science, Technology and Public