University of Virginia Library

Council Opposes Lambeth Field Decision

By Patti Kyle

General discontent was expressed by
Council members over the Administration's
process of decision-making, especially
in light of the recent Lambeth
Field decision, at the regular session of
the Student Council Tuesday night.

Council members felt they had been
presented with a fait accompli by the
Lambeth Field Committee, when President
Shannon announced at The Open
Forum on Growth last Tuesday that
apartments were to be constructed in
Lambeth Field, as well as residential

The Council believed that student interests
were ignored in making that decision and a
Lambeth Field Committee for the Council with
Dick Andry, Architecture Representative,
appointed as chairman was formed. A proposal
to the Board of Visitors recommending re-evaluation
of their decision to build apartments and
residential colleges on the tract was unanimously

It was further decided that Council would
endorse and circulate a petition as well as
appeal to the alumni to reverse the Lambeth
Field decision.

Disillusion with the Administration's lack of
response to student opinions was then expressed
by several Council members. In response
to Council President Kevin Mannix's
request for specific proposals in dealing with
this problem, a motion was made and passed to
request a closed session conference between
President Shannon and the Student Council
within the following week.

Formation of a Security Committee under
Willie Ivey, College representative was the
next order of business. Checking into the
feasibility of a pay increase for University
Police in order to attract the most suitable men
for the positions will be one of the Committee's
first duties.

A preliminary report on the busing system
was given. While the shuttle service got off to a
slow start, it was felt that it was still too early
to evaluate the project. Suggestions and
criticisms were asked to be submitted to the
Student Council offices.

Debate on reconsidering pay for the president
of the Student Council was next on the
agenda. Results of a survey on officer compensation
from other major universities were
examined. A motion was made to adopt a
policy of paying a straight $750 salary to the

A substitute motion to allocate a room on
the Lawn and set up a flexible loan fund for the
President was made and defeated; the original
motion for a straight salary passed after several
tie votes by a narrow 10 to 9 margin.

A letter to President Shannon requesting the
organization of a University Senate, which "can
honestly purport to speak for all elements of
the University" was then distributed. The
proposal for action carried unanimously.

Another letter protesting President
Shannon's final decision not to coeducate the
Munford-Gwathmey dorm complex and urging
reconsideration in the matter was approved by
the Council.

The meeting ended with a decision to
officially enter a turtle from the University in
the International Turtle races to be held at
American University, in Washington D.C.