University of Virginia Library

Students Continue Search
For Witness To Altercation

By Ira Steingold

A group of University students, along
with a former University student, are
currently searching for a witness to an
altercation which took place at the
Spectrum East on the evening of October
30. As a result of the incident, Clarence
Wright, a former University student, and
his brother Stephen, a Lane High School
coach, were sentenced to jail last month.

Frank J. Kessler, owner of the
Spectrum East, pressed charges against
the Wright brothers for disorderly
conduct, resisting arrest, assault and battery,
and the cursing of a waitress. The defendants
were found guilty on these charges. Clarence
Wright was sentenced to 150 days in jail and a
$100 fine while Stephen Wright was sentenced
to 120 days in jail and a $100 fine also. Two
other charges were pressed against the two men,
but were dismissed because of the absence of a
prosecution witness.

Derogatory Manner

The incident began when a waitress at the
night club claimed that Stephen Wright
addressed her in an extremely derogatory
manner when she refused to comply with a
request of her customer. When the Wrights were
leaving the night spot they were approached by
Mr. Kessler's son who was apparently going to
obtain an apology from the two men. A scuffle
ensued. Several deputy sheriffs entered the
premises and subdued the battling brothers.

The case is being appealed; however, the
group of students are still searching for the
defense witness. That witness was seen leaving
the scene in a car possessing New Jersey license
plates, and he is believed to be a University

Unidentified Man

At the time of the incident, a man appeared
from the crowd and volunteered to testify on
the brothers' behalf. Due to the confusion, the
man's name was not taken.

In the trial last month, it was established
that there was a great deal of misunderstanding
and confusion at the scene. The witnesses
produced conflicting statements as to what
actually occurred.

The group has asked that anyone who has
any knowledge of the incident please contact
either Bud Ogle at 293-9652 or Bill Olson at
296-1214, evenings.