University of Virginia Library

Double Occupancy Proposal For Lawn
Rejected 10-3 By Housing Committee

By Mike Gartlan
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The University Housing Committee
Wednesday night proposed that all rooms
on the Lawn be converted to double
occupancy in order to increase available
student housing on the Grounds.

This proposal, the first of four housing
expansion plans discussed, was rejected
by a 10-3 vote.

The Housing Committee, a
student-faculty advisory committee to
President Shannon, then heard committee
recommendations read by Richard Shutts,
Business Manager of the University. The
recommendations called for doubling up of
counselor rooms in both the first year dorms
and the upper class dorms.

Both of these proposals were defeated by
10-3 votes. Those members of the committee
voting for these measures were Ralph E. Main
Jr., Director of Housing and H. I. Taylor,
Director of Buildings and Grounds, and Mr.

It was then proposed by the committee that
the corner rooms in the Monroe Hill dorms be
converted to triple occupancy. This was passed
by a majority.

According to Mr. Main, the proposals were
made to offer more University housing to
students. "We are exploring every possible
means of giving students an adequate place to
live," he said.

When asked about any long-range plans
towards improvement of University housing, Mr.
Main said that preliminary plans for dormitory
construction were being considered at this time.
He would not elaborate on these plans.

If the recommendations for doubling the
capacity of the Lawn rooms had been adopted,
it would have been the first time since 1967
that Lawn residents shared their quarters. "We
had a few double rooms four years ago," Mr.
Main added, "but then the practice was ended."

These proposals made by the committee
apparently are trying to stave off a housing
shortage, possibly a critical one, that may face
students during the upcoming expansion of the


Photo by Rick Smith

Committee Seeks Means Of Easing Housing Shortage

Suggestions Include Double Occupancy On Lawn, In Councilors' Rooms