University of Virginia Library

Alumni Provide
Library Donation

A total of $1356 has been donated by
the University's graduating Class of 1970
to be used for he purposes of acquiring
books for the Alderman Library and for
the establishment of an undergraduate
research fund.

The bulk of the gift $856.05 is to be
deposited to the credit of Alderman
Library for the express purpose of
acquiring books that the Librarian
believes appropriate for undergraduate

The remaining $500 is to b used in funding
research projects by undergraduate students in
the College.

Another scholarship of $1000 is being
offered by the Richmond Branch of the
English-Speaking Union to a University student
for study in the United Kingdom during he
coming summer. The University has been asked
to nominate one third-year man.

Interested students should consul the
material posted outside of 402 Cabell Hall, and
those wishing to be considered for the program
should give their names to the secretary to the
Dean of the College, Irby B. Cauthen.