University of Virginia Library

Nobel Laureate
Speaks Here

Dereck Harold Richard Barton, Nobel
laureate in chemistry, will give the annual
Burger Lecture at the University tomorrow. Mr.
Barton, professor of organic chemistry at
Imperial College, London, will discuss "Some
Approaches to the Synthesis of Tetracyclines."

He was co winner of the 1969 Nobel Prize
for Chemistry for his work on conformational
analysis, which permits scientists to tell from
the shape of organic compounds how they will
react and what the preferred products of
reaction will be.

The Burger Lecture was established in 1964
under the sponsorship of the University Alumni
Fund and the department of chemistry. It is
named in honor of Alfred Burger, professor
emeritus of chemistry at the University.

The lecture, which is open to the public,
begins at 8 p.m. in the chemistry building