University of Virginia Library

Seniors Invite
Walter Cronkite

Members of the Class of 1971 voted
Wednesday night to hold a referendum on
caps and gowns next Monday and
Tuesday. They also recommended that
Walter Cronkite be invited to speak at
graduation ceremonies.

About 60 people attended the class
meeting, held in Cabell Hall Auditorium:
They heard committee reports, were
introduced to the class officers and made
recommendations for graduation.

If Mr. Cronkite cannot be obtained, the
members of the class decided, former Chief
Justice Earl Warren should be invited. The third
choice was columnist Nicholas Von Hoffman of
the Washington Post.

A referendum to be held on Monday and
Tuesday will determine whether the class will
allocate funds for rental of caps and gowns for
graduation. Candidates for degree will be able
to vote on this question, as well as on whether,
if the allocation passes, wearing of academic
garb should be compulsory or optional.