University of Virginia Library

ODK Selects 10 New Student Members

The Virginia chapter of Omicron Delta
Kappa, a national leadership fraternity,
has chosen new members in its fall

From the Engineering School, fourth-yearman
Howard B. Edwards, fourth-yearman
William R. Fox, and fifth-yearman
James C. McDaniel were chosen, and fourth-yearman
Henry L. Bowden, Jr., Charles F.
Collin, G. Lee Garrett, and Kim Hopper were
selected from the College.

Michael A. Cohen, a third-year law student,
and second-year graduate business students A.
Hugh Ewing and Jay M. McDonald were also

Omicron Delta Kappa selects its members
from candidates who passes "an exemplary
character," who are in the top 35% of their
particular school, and who demonstrate leadership
in at least two of the fields of Scholarship,
Student Government, Publications, Athletics,
and the Arts. Students, faculty, alumni, and
administrators are among its members. Activities
include luncheons at which noted speakers
inform the memberships of new developments
on the Grounds and in the nation.

The organization was founded in 1914 at
Washington and Lee University and its
threefold purpose: "to recognize men who
have attained a high standard of leadership in
collegiate activities; to bring together
representative men from all phases of collegiate
life in an organization which will help to mold
the sentiment of the institution on questions of
local and intercollegiate interest; and to bring
together members of the faculty and student
body of the institution on a basis of mutual
interest, understanding and helpfulness."