University of Virginia Library

Shannon Names Committee
To Find Hunter's Successor

University President Edgar F. Shannon
Jr. has appointed a special committee to
recommend a person to succeed Thomas
H. Hunter as vice president for medical
affairs. Dr. Hunter will return to full-time
teaching and research next July.

In assigning the committee its duty,
President Shannon said, "I know that I need
not emphasize to you how difficult it will be to
find a person capable of the brilliance and
devotion with which Dr. Hunter has served the
University both as dean and as vice president."

The members of the committee-all chairman
of their departments—are committee chairman
Dr. David E. Smith, professor of pathology;
Dr. Robert M. Beme, professor of physiology;
Dr. Thomas R. Johns, professor of neurology;
Dr. Warren G. Stamp, Alumni Professor of
Orthopedics, and Dr. W. Norman Thornton Jr.,
Robert C. Taylor Professor of Obstetrics and

As vice president, Dr. Hunter directs the
University division that includes the School of
Nursing, the School of Medicine and the
600-bed teaching hospital and clinics.