University of Virginia Library

'Final Hours' Marks End Of Fall Fraternity Rush

The Interfraternity Council requests
that each first-year man fill out his hour
cards and mail them to the respective
houses as soon as possible.

The procedure for filling out the hour
cards is for each first-year man to put a
check in the time slot that indicates the periods
that he intends to visit the fraternity house.

If a first-year man is rushing more than one
house, he is encouraged to alternate the time
period between the houses.

The cards have postage and the addresses of
the houses on the back so that they may be
mailed back to the houses. The rushees are
asked to do this as soon as possible.

David S. Shriser  421 Watson 
7-7:30  Kappa Zooma  8-9  Zeta Chi 
7:30-8  Zeta Chi  9-10  Kappa Zooma 
8-8:30  Kappa Zooma  10-11  Zeta Chi 
8:30-9  Zeta Chi  11-12  Kappa Zooma 
Fraternity Hour Cards should be completed and returned as soon as possible.