University of Virginia Library

IFC's 'Showcase Of Music'
Comes To Lambeth Field Sunday

The Inter-Fraternity Council in
conjunction with Old Coach Productions,
Ltd. is sponsoring a free concert to be
held in Lambeth Field Sunday of
Homecomings Weekend.

The concert will be held from 1 to 6
p.m. with the idea it will be "an
afternoon showcase of music" rather than
the traditional two or three hour concert.
The IFC announced that the "showcase of
music" is being sponsored to honor the
first-year men and women at the University.

Featured at the concert will be ten local and
non-local bands. These various bands include
the Sheepherders, Fatback the Mainmen, The
Eye, and Mason. Also performing will be the
Escorts, Sideshow, the Prophets, Checkmate,
and Royale VII.

The Cavalier Daily has learned that Old
Coach Productions, Ltd., a booking agency
from Richmond, now features topless dancers
with many of their bands. It is not known,
however, whether they will perform with the
bands at Lambeth Field this Sunday afternoon.