University of Virginia Library

IFC Establishes Security System

The IFC passed a resolution Monday
night which will provide a security system
for Saturday night of Homecomings.

Initiated on a trial basis, the system
will include armed guards on foot and in
cars patrolling the fraternity area, excluding
ZBT and Chi Psi.

The resolution was passed in response to the
increasing number of attacks in the area on big
weekends, the fraternities taking the initiative
rather than waiting until the situation becomes

One other motive necessitated the IFC
action. Last Saturday night, ATO, while having
a band, was surrounded by area policemen. The
cops came in not one but nine squad cars,
obviously a substantial segment of the Charlottesville
police force, replete with two German

Cool thinking apparently avoided a confrontation,
yet the growing animosity of both
police and some area residents toward student
was evident.

The IFC, in order to forestall any further
outside interference, decided to establish its
own system of security. An important meeting
of house presidents will be held this Thursday
afternoon at 3:30 in the informal Lounge at
Newcomb Hall to discuss the situation.

IFC President Ted Foote also announced
that there will be a free rock concert sponsored
by the IFC this Sunday from one to six o'clock
either in Mad Bowl or at Lambeth Field. The
exact location will be announced later this
week as soon as final arrangements are made.