University of Virginia Library

College Degree Applicants
Must Register By Oct., 20

Students who register late have another
problem to look forward to besides the late
registration fee. The company which supplies
the diplomas needs the University's order early
in the year. This will enable the company to
fulfill the order an the required date.

According to Mrs. Zimmer, there were
between 20 to 25 late registrants last year, but
there have been rumors that up to 500
registered late. The penalty for late registration
is the late registration fee of five dollars.

The registration deadline for degree
applicants in the College is October, 20.
Applicants who wish to pick up
application forms or need advice are to
see Mrs. Zimmer in room 406 Cabell Hall.
Mrs. Zimmers' office is the only place
where a registering student may obtain

Those Students who register late will receive
their degree, but they might not receive their