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GSAS Council
Plans Election

The Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences Council continued consolidating
its organization at its third meeting last
Thursday night. Main items of discussion
were the forthcoming Graduate School
elections, and representation on the
Graduate Committee of the Faculty.

John Atkinson made a special report
from the Elections Committee and
William B. Crawley, President of the
Graduate School, reported to the Council
the results of a meeting with Graduate School
Dean Dexter Whitehead.

The Elections Committee recommended
that Graduate School elections be held May
5-6. The Student Council recently authorized
these dates for the elections. Two resolutions
approved for inclusion in the election code
reported by the Elections Committee.

Persons on the Council who are to run for
office are asked to notify the Council; and
write-in ballots will be permitted in the

Continuing its efforts to define its role in
the University, the Council discussed student
representation on the Graduate Committee of
the Faculty. The debate centered largely on the
method of achieving the appointment of a
student as a voting member of the Committee.

Council members generally felt that this
representative would be an important means of
communication between the Graduate faculty
and students. Chairman Morris was delegated
the responsibility of presenting the Graduate
Council's request before Dean Whitehead.