University of Virginia Library

Three Mated
In Chess Games

Three of the 38 players competing in
the University Open Chess Tournament
tied for first place in last weekend's

The winners in the three way tie were
Charles Powell, Robert Vassar, and Homer
Jones. Mr. Powell is a former U.S. Armed
Forces Champion and is now a student at
William and Mary College.

Mr. Vassar, who is classified as expert, is
from Richmond and Mr. Jones, a former
expert, is from Alexandria.

All three players won four games and drew

The 38 players who competed in this year's
tournament were from Virginia, Maryland,
Washington, D.C., North Carolina, and South

Of the eight University students who
competed, three finished as prize winners.

Justus Lee Cooke, a graduate philosophy
student, was the highest scoring student. He
won the Class B trophy and tied for fourth in
the tournament, a half-point behind the

First-year man Chris Griffen, a former
Massachusetts High School Champion, won the
Class C trophy and first-year man Walter Kerns
won the Unrated trophy.

Although this year's tournament did not top
last year's high of 45 players, the competition
was the strongest ever held in Charlottesville,
according to tournament director, Pedro