University of Virginia Library

Jordan Exits
Gov't Meeting

David C. Jordan, chairman of the
Department of Government and Foreign
Affairs, walked out on a scheduled
meeting with the graduate students in
that department yesterday when the
students voted to allow undergraduate
majors to remain at the meeting.

The students claimed that the meeting
had been called in response to a petition
calling for the department to reconsider
its decision not to recommend a promotion
for Assistant Professor Alan Ritter.
They maintained that since both undergraduates
and graduates were involved
and both groups had been party to the petition,
the meeting should be open to both groups.

Mr. Jordan asserted that he wished to treat
the graduates and undergraduates separately
since the two have separate areas of concern.
He indicated that he was going to meet with
undergraduate students' departmental representatives
this afternoon to discuss, among other
things, the department's recent decision to
require comprehensive exams this spring.

Mr. Jordan stated that he would be willing
to meet with the undergraduate students en
masse should that prove necessary. He maintained
that he had not called the meeting of the
graduate students in direct response to the
petition and request for a meeting by an ad hoc