University of Virginia Library

YD's Oppose
ABM System

The University chapter of the Young
Democrats has vigorously opposed the
Nixon Administration's decision to expand
the Safeguard Anti-Ballistic Missile

According to a resolution passed at Wednesday
nights meeting. "The Young Democrats
view with dismay the deceptive reasoning
behind the Nixon Administration's decision."

The Young Democrats argue that "The
Nixon Administration is attempting once again
to employ scare about Soviet military
capabilities to panic Congress and the public
into accepting an expansion of this worthless
military system.

"This is nothing more than a crude and
irresponsible attempt to placate vested Republican
contributors at the expense of the already
hard pressed American taxpayer."

"The Administration, with its usual insensitivity
seems more intent on protecting our
cities from an imagined attack from without
than in arresting and turning the visible decay
which is destroying them from within."