University of Virginia Library

Pre-Registration Begins
For Spring Semester

For all University students planning to
continue their studies next semester,
preregistration for next semester's courses
will take place Monday through Friday,
December 8-12.

The procedures for this process,
released by the Registrar, are much the
same as last year. Students are urged to
follow the preregistration instructions for their

Students in every school but the College will
be able to pick up their registration cards any
day next week at the office of the dean of their
school. College students should go to the lobby
of Old Cabell Hall any day from 2 to 4:30 p.m.
for their packets.

When they pick up their materials, the
students will receive a preregistration card and a
schedule booklet. Course evaluation pamphlets
will also be available to interested students.
Students then should consult the schedule
booklets, fill out the cards with their desired
schedule, and hand in the cards at their dean's

For undergraduates, these cards must be
turned in by next Friday. Graduate students
need not hand in their cards until January 16.

By the middle of January, at least a week
later for graduates, students will receive in the
mail a course enrollment card which will list the
classes for which they have been successfully
preregistered. Any additions to this can be
made by using the add-drop system.

Students will also be sent a Registration
Verification card. This card, new this year, will
allow a student to notify his teachers and the
Registrar of his intent to enroll in a course even
though he may have missed the first classes of
the new semester.

This card should be turned in to the deans
on February 2, 3, or 4, and a place will be
reserved for the student for his classes. The new
semester will begin February 3, with
registration February 2 for all new students and
those who failed to preregister.