University of Virginia Library

Counselors Sponsor Lecture
On Uses, Abuses Of Narcotics

By Alan Featherstone

This past Monday evening the senior
dormitory counselors sponsored a meeting
of the residents of the Echols-Humphreys

David Bowman, senior counselor of
Echols, invited Dr. C.D. Hammond, of
the University Student Health Service, to
speak to the students on the uses and
abuses of narcotics and drugs. Dr.
Hammond, an Assistant Professor of
Psychiatry, presented the pros and cons
of the use of six major drugs but concentrated
his efforts on talking about marijuana and LSD.

Dr. Hammond attempted to educate the
students by giving both sides of the issue and
by differentiating between what is known to be
true and what is believed to be true. Notably,
there is a difference.

Dr. Hammond also stressed the legal
sanctions the state of Virginia placed on drug
offenders. When questioned on the legal
sanctions imposed by Virginia as compared
with federal sanctions. Dr. Hammond stated
that Virginia is more lenient than the federal
government. However, most other states' laws
are more strict than the federal government's
laws. He views this as a credit to Virginia.

According to Dr. Hammond, the general
reaction of the students to his talk was one of
interest and inquisitiveness. Many students
thought his talk overly stressed the cons of drug
use. Many students questioned the accuracy of
his statements concerning marijuana but significantly
none questioned his comments concerning

For more information on this subject, Dr.
Hammond recommends an article in the
October issue of Playboy entitled "Pot: A
Rational Approach." The article is written by
Dr. Joel Fort and gives a good analysis of the
use of drugs, specifically marijuana.

Also speaking to the residents of the
Echols-Humphreys Association was Jim Riley,
vice chairman of counselors. Mr. Riley spoke
about the First-year Council and the Judiciary
body of that council. First year students will
elect representatives to those bodies midway
through the fall semester.