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Students, Dates Mugged, Raped
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Students, Dates
Mugged, Raped

Several incidents of muggings and assaults
involving University students and their dates
were reported to the police this past weekend,
including at least one rape.

On Saturday morning at approximately
1:30, a student and his date were walking
across Lambeth field when they were accosted
by five youths. The two were separated, the
student was beaten, and his date was raped.

The local police found her about 2:30 a.m.
on Emmett Street and she was released to her
parents by the University Hospital Saturday.
The student is currently in satisfactory
condition at the University Hospital.

Two hitch-hiking students were picked up
Saturday night by a carload of "Rednecks"
beaten and robbed. One is still in University
Hospital with a concussion, the other was
released after treatment for a head wound.

W. Wade Bromwell, director of University
Security, is presently studying ways to prevent
such crimes. When asked about the possibility
of lighting on Lambeth field, he said, "Students
would simply go elsewhere to find privacy."