University of Virginia Library

Hit Musical Presented Thursday


"Fiddler on the Roof," recipient
of ten "Tony" awards and voted
the Best Musical of the year by the
New York Drama Critics, will be
performed Thursday evening at
8:30 in University Hall.

The play is perhaps the most
successful Broadway musical since
"My Fair Lady." It is based on the
humorous tales of Sholom
Aleichem, about his earthy dairyman,
Tevye, who complains directly
to God, and who supports a
sharp tongued wife and five marriageable
daughters in a Czarist
village in Russia at the turn of the

Tickets for the University performance
of "Fiddler," which is
sponsored by the University Union,
are still available at the main desk
of Newcomb Hall and Mincers' Pipe
Shop for $3, $4, and $5.

The play opened in New York
on September 22, 1964 and still
draws large crowds in its fifth year.
The American Theatre Production
which will be in Charlottesville
Thursday night boasts a large
orchestra and stage crew plus a cast
of 50 singers and dancers.