University of Virginia Library

Fast Funds Sought

By Fred Heblich
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

"Starve for peace," was a
comment made by one student
yesterday, as he passed by the
station for collecting funds for the
Transitional Program in the Newcomb
Hall Grill, but Dick Boot,
who monitored this station yesterday
afternoon, said, "75 per cent of
the people" he asked to contribute
were courteous and that in general
he was pleased in the student

Approximately $90 was collected
at the station on the second
floor of Newcomb Hall between
11:30 and 1:30 yesterday, and in
the Grill about $45 was collected
during the early afternoon. Mr.
Boot said that some people pretended
not to hear him, and
ignored his requests for contributions,
but only one student got
angry. He said on the average
contributions were about a dollar,
but one "generous" student gave
$25 to the Fund.

One student, who was asked to
make a contribution, retorted that
he would if Mr. Boot would match
it. Mr. Boot said he would, but only
if the student matched him. Then
he put $5 in the box, and the
student decided it was a little too
much and gave Mr. Boot $2.50.

Asked about the types of people
who give the most, Mr. Boot
said, "Younger people seem to contribute
the most, and students who
appear to be graduate business
students ignore you the most." He
added that on the whole, "most
females at least reply."

Mr. Boot said that it was "sad to
see guys in their stud University
clothes not give any of their jack to
a worthy cause." He continued,
"They misplace priorities. They
think their clothes are an affectation
of their beings, rather than
their actions being an affectation of
their beings. There is an emphasis in
society on how people see you, not
how you see yourself."