University of Virginia Library

Council Plans Conference
On Integrated Education

A planning conference concerning
the future of Virginia's higher
education system with regard to
desegregation will take place this
weekend at the University. The
conference, being jointly sponsored
by the Martin Luther King, Jr.
Chapter of the Virginia Human
Relations Council and by the
Student Council, will discuss the
importance and legal implications
of a statewide desegregation plan
for Virginia's system of higher

A possible conference to take
plane next October to propose such
a desegregation plan will also be
looked into.

Bud Ogle, a member of the
Human Relations Council here in
Charlottesville, has stated that another
purpose for the conference is
to interest students and faculty
members to work to work toward
state-wide concern about segregated

Both people from the University
community and the public are
invited to attend the conference.
Mr. Ogle has also said that representatives
from ten other
schools are expected to attend the

The keynote address for the
conference will be given by James
S. Pollack, Assistant Attorney-General
for Civil Rights under
former President Johnson. Mr.
Pollack initiated the desegregation
case against the state of Tennessee
and made that state draw up a
program for desegregation its higher
education system.

Lauren Seldon, executive secretary
of the Virginia American Civil
Liberties Union will also be present
at the conference serving as a
discussion leader and as a member
of resource personnel for the

Mr. Ogle has announced that
registration for anyone not associated
with the University will take
place from 7-8 p.m. tonight in the
South Meeting Room of Newcomb