University of Virginia Library

Cornish Hens Society
Chooses 18 Members

In its Spring Elections held
this month, the Society of the
Cornish Game Hen selected 18
new members. The students
selected, according to their
Schools, are listed below:

From the College: John Cody,
James Creekman, John Jackson,
Jacques Jones, Douglas Lind,
Junius McElveen, Dan Shipp,
Stephen Taylor, William Weaver,
and John Wright.

From the Graduate Schools:
Micheal Ebner, George McCallum,
Julian Rancy, and Roger
Tinnell. From the School of
Engineering: Frederick Hoybach
and William McManus. From
the Architecture School: James

Also, John Herring, Director
of Newcomb Hall, won an honorary
membership as the "member
of the faculty or administration
who has given outstanding
service in a non-academic area."

Membership in this Society is
awarded on two bases. First,
"To recognize independents who
have given outstanding service
to the University, but who, because
of their non-fraternity
status are, in fact, ineligible for
membership in other honoraries."

Secondly, the Society was
formed "to recognize independents
and fraternity men who
have given outstanding service
but who have not been recognized
by the other honorary societies
because their participation was in
lesser known or recognized organizations
such as the University
Union, or the Virginia Debaters."

The present officers and members
in the organization are Lee
Whitney, president; Reid Carter,
vice-president; and Danney Morrow,
Charles Bryant and Frank
Blechman, members.