University of Virginia Library

Early-Morning Automobile Crash
Kills Student, Injures Another

A student was killed and
another injured early yesterday
morning when the automobile
in which they were riding
crashed into a wall on 14th
Street, reportedly after swerving
to avoid a milk truck.

George Ellis Hamovit, a third
year man in the college, was
killed instantly when the car he
was driving crashed at 5:30 a.m.
yesterday at the corner of Wertland
and 14th Streets. He was
driving down 14th toward Main

The only other person in the
car, Harry K. Wallfisch, also a
third year man in the college,
suffered neck injuries and lacerations
of his right leg in the accident.
A spokesman at the University
Hospital said yesterday
afternoon that his condition was
listed as satisfactory.

Mr. Hamovit is a co-founder
and publisher of Rapier Magazine,
and Mr. Wallfisch is also
on the staff of Rapier.

His family requests that in lieu
of flowers donations be sent to
Dean B. F. D. Runk for the establishment
of a scholarship
fund in memory of Mr. Hamovit.