University of Virginia Library

Professor To Direct Teacher's Education Program

A new national program to
give government experience to
outstanding young college teachers
will be headed by Laurin L.
Henry, professor of government
and foreign affairs at the University.

Mr. Henry will head a committee
of the American Society
for Public Administration to
oversee the society's public administration
fellow program for

Fellows are selected in national
competition from faculty
members and doctoral candidates
in the fields of public policy and
administration. In cooperation
with the United States Civil
Service Commission, they receive
one-year appointments to
policy-level position in federal

The agency work selected is
appropriate to their individual
backgrounds and designed to enrich
their future teaching careers.
"We think this is an excellent
way to develop ties between
those who teach about
government and those who practice
it," said Mr. Henry.

The first group of eight fellows
began their Washington assignments
in September in the
Departments of Housing and
Urban Development, Health,
Education and Welfare, Justice,
Interior, Labor, the Atomic
Energy Commission, Agency for
International Development, and
Bureau of the Budget. Most are
teachers of political science or
related fields in universities
across the country.