University of Virginia Library

Wardropper To Deliver Speech
On Lope de Vega Play Today

Spanish Renaissance drama
authority Bruce W. Wardropper
will give a lecture on "The
Criticism of the Golden Age
Plays: Lope de Vega's El Caballero
de Olmedo," at 2 p.m. today
in Newcomb Hall.

The author of several works on
the Spanish theatre, Mr. Wardropper
is professor of the romance
languages department at
Duke University and former
chairman of romance languages
at Johns Hopkins University.

Among his other professional
achievements, Mr. Wardropper
is a Guggenheim Fellow, general
editor of Modern Language
Notes, a humanities and fine arts
consultant for the Department
of Health, Education and Welfare,
and a senior fellow of the
Southeastern Institute of Medieval
and Renaissance Studies.

His lecture, one of those in a
current series being delivered in
area colleges, is sponsored by the
University department of romance


Bruce W. Wardropper

Spanish Drama Authority