University of Virginia Library

Holton To Express
Dreams, New Ideals


Governor Linwood Holton
will express a confidence in
young educated Americans as he
addresses the Student Legal
Forum tonight at 8:30 p.m. in
the Chemistry Building

As the forum's third speaker
this year, Mr. Holton will speak
on Virginia's future welfare as
affected by her future lawyers
and leaders.

In his evening address he
will express both pessimism
and optimism which confirm
the opening words of his
inaugural address; "We are on
the threshold of unbounded
opportunities for our state and
its people. Yet we are also
amidst problems of
unparalleled magnitudes and
challenges of unprecedented
scope. Our goal, our
commitment, our dedication to
this administration, and indeed
in this decade, must be to
enhance the quality of life in

Also expressing that young
leaders be well educated and
intelligent enough to create a

new future instead of a replay
of the past, he will again echo
his inaugural words; "Our
chance, our challenge in this
decade, is to infuse this Old
Dominion with new ideas,
ideals, new dreams of grandeur,
new aspirations."

Prior to Mr. Holton's
election in 1969, he served in
legal, civic, military, and
political establishments. A
graduate of Harvard Law
School in 1949, he was a
member of the Virginia,
Roanoke, and American Bar

Charles S. Robb,
third-year law student, will
preside over the Legal Forum.