University of Virginia Library

Council Backs Student Voting
In Fall Gubernatorial Election

Student Council plans an
all-out effort this fall to
encourage and enable students
to vote in state and local
elections November 6.

Especially because of this
year's Virginia gubernatorial
election, Council President
Larry Sabato believes that it is
"imperative that students
exercise their constitutional
responsibility to vote."

Council is urging
University-wide acceptance of
a policy which would suggest
that faculty not schedule tests
or important material for
classes held on election day.
Thus, students would not have
to risk being penalized for
exercising their constitutional
privilege. This procedure was
approved las fall by University
President Edgar F. Shannon Jr.
and the Calendar and
Scheduling Committee.

Most in-state students at the
University do not live in
Charlottesville, Mr. Sabato
said, and "procedures for
obtaining and casting an
absentee ballot are so complex
and cumbersome that they
may seriously deter students
from voting."

However, Council will
publicize procedures for
obtaining an absentee ballot.
Mr. Sabato has also arranged
with the Charlottesville
Registrar for students to be
able to apply for an absentee
ballot here, rather than
applying in person before their
home Registrar.

Mr. Sabato will also send
letters September 1 to student
body presidents at other
Virginia colleges, urging them
to take an active role in
removing obstacles which may
"threaten to minimize student
electoral impact." He will urge
the presidents to follow
procedures similar to those
underway here.

Faculty of Arts and
Sciences Dean Robert D. Cross
and College Dean Irby B.
Cauthen Jr. have told Mr.
Sabato that they will urge their
faculties not to schedule
important work for November