University of Virginia Library


Temporary student jobs are
available for the fall and winter
in Europe. Any student
applying during the summer
may obtain a job in Austria,
Switzerland or Germany for
this fall or winter. This means a
student wanting to see Europe,
and willing to work, can earn
the trip. A few weeks on the
job earns back the price of a
youth fare air ticket and some
cash for traveling around

Most jobs are in lakeside,
Alpine or city resorts, hotels
and restaurants. Standard
wages are paid, and free room
and board provided.

Jobs are given on a
first come, first-served basis,
with a willingness to work,
maintenance of an open mind
and adaptability counting more
than experience.

Interested students may
obtain an application form, job
listings and descriptions, and
the SOS Handbook on earning
a trip to Europe (and including
photos and comments of
students who have worked in
Europe) by sending their name,
address, educational
institution, and $1(for printing,
postage, handling and
addressing only) to S.O.S., 22
Ave. de la Liberte,
Luxembourg, Europe.