University of Virginia Library

Godwin Approves Gray Nomination

State Sen. Frederick T.
Gray of Chesterfield has been
approved by major GOP
leaders as the party's attorney
general nominee, though he has
not yet committed himself
definitely to creating a
Godwin-Dalton-Gray ticket for
the November elections.

Former Democratic Gov.
Mills E. Godwin Jr., a strong
contender for the Republican
nomination for governor, said a
new Virginia consensus of
Republicans and conservative
Democrats points to Mr. Gray,
also a former Democrat, as the
man to fill the third spot on
the GOP ticket if no strong
Republican contenders appear
during the June 8 and 9 state
convention in Richmond.

Gray Will Help

Mr. Godwin reportedly said
that Mr. Gray would help GOP
State Sen. John N. Dalton,
who is running for lieutenant
governor, more than any other
candidate who might be

The party's decision to
approve another former
Democrat resulted from Mr.
Godwin's argument that the
attorney general candidate
should help and not hinder the
other two nominees.

Support Began

Support for Mr. Gray began
to mount when one strong
possibility for the nomination.
J. Ray Dotson, administrative
assistant to Rep. William C.
Wampler of the 9th district,
backed out of the race.

Mr. Dotson, of Wise
County, said Friday he had
realized he did not meet the
legal requirement that the
attorney general be a Virginia
State Bar member for at least
five years.

Mr. Godwin, to show his good
Mr. Godwin, to show his good
intentions toward the GOP,
will attend the party's
convention banquet on June 8,
speak to congressional district
caucuses of convention
delegates and accept the
nomination if it is given to