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Judiciary To Take Assault Case

The case of the assault of a
University student against a
woman student has been nol
prossed by the Charlottesville
lower courts and has been
referred to the Judiciary
Committee, according to
Committee Chairman David

Fourth-year man Mark
Varner was arrested Feb. 2
and charged with a
misdemeanor in the assault of
first-year student Pamela
Holup Feb. 9.

Fellowship Award

Honor Committee
Chairman Gordon Peerman has
been awarded a Rockefeller
Trial Year Fellowship by the
Fund for Theological
Education, Princeton, N.J. He
was nominated by Asst Prof.
Harry Y. Gamble Jr.

About 60 awards for the
coming academic year have
been made on the basis of a
national competition.

The fellowship makes
possible a trial year in an
accredited theological
institution. The recipient is one
"who would not have gone to a
seminary otherwise and who
agrees in that year to consider
seriously the possibility of the
ordained ministry as his

Selection Committee

Applications for students
wishing to serve on the
committee to recommend a
successor to University
President Edgar F. Shannon Jr.
are now available in Student
Council offices, fifth floor
Newcomb Hall.

A screening committee will
select one representative from
each school and one member at
large. Students must currently
be enrolled in the school they
wish to represent and must
plan to enroll in that school
again in the fall.


Esther Peterson, Consumer
Adviser to the President of
Giant Food Inc., will speak on
"Consumerism: A New Code"
at 8:15 tonight in McLeod Hall

Mrs. Peterson will be the
keynote speaker for the second
session of a four-part
interdisciplinary analysis of the
legitimacy of behavior control.

The lecture, sponsored by
the medical school's Program
in Human Biology and Society,
will be preceded by panel
discussions from 1 to 5 p.m.
Subsequent symposia will be
held on March 20 and 27.

The public is invited.

Alistair Cooke

The International Club
invites students to watch "The
Huddled Masses" tonight at 10
at the International Center, 21
University Circle.

The telecast is a new
installment of Alistair Cooke's

Meador Re-elected

Daniel L. Meador, James
Monroe law professor, has been
elected to a second-year term
on the Board of Directors of
the American Society for Legal

The society fosters research
and writing on United States
legal history as well as that of
England and other countries
and assesses the role and
influence of legal institutions.