University of Virginia Library

Visiting L'Abri Fellows Present
'The New Inferno' Lecture Series


Three visiting lecturers
from Holland. England and
Italy will present "The New
Inferno The L'Abri Lectures
in Modern Religion and
Culture" beginning Sunday at
8 p.m. in the South Meeting
Room. Newcomb Hall.

The program will continue
with a series of lectures
Monday through Wednesday at
4 p.m. in Jefferson Hall and at
8 p.m. in Newcomb Hall's
South Meeting Room.

A concluding program
Thursday will include a lecture
at 4 p.m. and CRY 3. a
multimedia Jesus Rock
presentation to be shown in
Cabell Hall Auditorium at 7
and 9 p.m.

The lecturers are members
of the L'Abri Fellowship in
Huemoz, Switzerland. This
shelter was founded 15 years
ago by Francis Schaeffer, an
American pastor and author
from St. Louis, as a center for
intellectual investigation of

Ronald Macaulay, director
of the L'Abri branch in
England, will open the series
Sunday with his lecture, "The
New Inferno
Post-Enlightenment Man."

After obtaining a law
degree from Cambridge and a
divinity degree from King's
College. Mr. Macaulay studied
with Mr. Schaeffer for four
years and is presently teaching
in England.

Dutch speaker Hans
Rookmaaker is a professor of