University of Virginia Library

Students To Confer
With Bureaucrats


As part of its "mind
expansion" training program
for top level government
bureaucrats, the Federal
Executive Institute (FEI) has
asked Student Council to select
20 student representatives to
attend an informal reception
March 8 at the Institute.

According to Assoc.
Government Prof. Robert S.
Wood, the purpose of the
reception is to allow informal
discussion between government
leaders and students on a wide
range of issues.

Eight Week Forum

The FEI is sponsoring an
eight week forum designed to
promote the participants'
understanding of leadership
roles and the function of
government in a democratic

The FEI provides internship
opportunities for the
University's graduate
government department,
according to Mr. Wood.

This reception is an
opportunity for the students
"to see what the organization
is and does," he said.

Mr. Wood emphasized that
the program is not a typical
Civil Service training course
but rather a "fascinating
experiment in adult

Top-Level Officials

Enrolled in the program is "
a great diversity of people
whose only similarity is that
they are top-level bureaucrats,"
he said.

Included are representatives
from the Departments of State,
Budget, and Interior, the New
York Police Department and
various state and local

Employing "new
techniques of teaching people
who are experts in their own
right," the program involves
discussion of government
problems and government

Areas for discussion are
personal values and goals,
leadership and bureaucratic
roles in society and individual
and executive relationships to
environment, government, and
people and management.