University of Virginia Library


Man Sentenced
In Rape Case

William E. Kyle of
Washington, D.C. received a
40-year jail sentence in
Albemarle County Circuit
Court Jan. 12 for rape and
abduction of a first-year
woman last spring.

Kyle and George L. Jones
pulled the student off her
bicycle and into a car on
Observatory Mountain behind
Dobie House at about 10 p.m.
April 13 and then drove her to
the Greenwood section of
Albemarle County.

Kyle hit her on the head
with a bottle and both men
raped her, according to
testimony. She was then
returned to the Copeley Hill

Jones, pleading innocent,
received a 105-year sentence
last summer. Kyle pleaded
guilty at that time and then
testified against Jones. An
appeal of both men's sentences
is planned.

Plimpton To Speak

George Plimpton, author of
The Paper Lion, will speak in
Cabell Hall Auditorium
Wednesday, Feb. 7 at 8 p.m.

Mr. Plimpton has
quarterbacked with the Detroit
Lions, pitched to the All-Stars
in Yankee Stadium, boxed
with Archie Moore and played
tennis with Poncho Gonzales.

The University Union is
sponsoring his talk.

Intermediate Honors

The list of College students
eligible for Intermediate
Honors is posted outside Cabell
Hall 402.