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City May Lose Amtrak Service

Charlottesville may lose its
east-west Amtrak train service
unless Congress intervenes.

An Amtrak budget for the
next fiscal year now being
formulated by the Nixon
administration will force
cancellation of many
long-distance passenger train
routes, probably including the
Cincinnati-Newport News
route which passes through

Sources in Congress,
Amtrak, and the Nixon
administration said the White
House Office of Management
and Budget has permanently
frozen a $9.1 supplemental
appropriation to Amtrak.

Amtrak also runs a New
York-New Orleans route
through Charlottesville

Enrollment Cards

Spring semester
enrollment cards for all
students in the College are
now being distributed in the
Registrar's office

Russian Drama

Russian 146, "Russian
Drama and Theatre". is now
available to students without
previous knowledge of Russian.

The course will consist of
readings from Gogol. Chekov.
Gorki and recent Soviet
dramatists and will examine
the theatrical phases of
Stanislavsky. Meyerhold and
other outstanding directors.

The class will be held
Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays at 11 a.m. with Acting
Asst. Prof. Stephen L Baehr as
the course instructor.
Interested students may bring
an add card to the Slavic
Languages Department in
Cocke Hall.

Turner To Speak

Ulysses G Turner, assistant
professor of obstetrics and
gynecology, will speak on
"Education in Sexuality at the
University of Virginia" at the
monthly meeting of Zero
Population Growth on
Wednesday, Jan. 17, at the
Gordon Avenue Branch
Library at 7:15 p.m. The
public is invited.

Mad Hall Honored

The Z Society has awarded
two gifts of $37 11 to the
Master and Fellows of Madison
Hall in recognition of their
service to the Charlottesville

Women's Lib Film

Goodbye in the Mirror, the
second in a "Films by Women"
series sponsored by the
Charlottesville Women's
Liberation, will be shown
tonight at 6:30 and 8 at
Westminster Presbyterian

Space Odyssey

Space Odyssey, ENGR 302,
for students interested in
investigating the
environment of the space
community will be offered in
the Spring semester.