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Ambassador Castro To Speak
On Brazilian Foreign Policy


Brazilian Ambassador H.E.
Joa Augusto de Araujo Castro
will speak tomorrow in the
Architecture School
auditorium, room 158,
Campbell Hall at 4 p.m.

Mr. Araujo Castro, who has
held high-ranking positions
within the Brazilian
Government and carried out
numerous diplomatic
assignments, will speak on
"Brazil's Foreign Policy in the

Among the positions which
Mr. Araujo Castro has held are
the Under-Secretary for
Political and Cultural Affairs.
Under-Secretary for
International Organizations,
and Secretary-General for
Foreign Policy, all within the
Ministry of External Relations.

In 1963 he became the
Minister for External
Relations, a cabinet-level
position in the Brazilian

In the field of international
affairs Mr. Araujo Castro has
served as Chairman of the
Brazilian Delegation to the
General Assembly of the
United Nations in 1963.

He was the Permanent
Representative of Brazil to the
United Nations from July 1968
until his appointment to his
present post as Ambassador to
the United States in April

The lecture, which is open to
the University community, is
sponsored by the Woodrow
Wilson Department of
Government and Foreign