University of Virginia Library


Add Deadline Announced

College Dean Irby B.
Cauthen Jr. reminds students
that tomorrow is the last day
to add a course without

Entertainment Begins

Operation Entertainment
returns to Tuttle Lounge for
1972-73 Friday at 8 p.m.

Rock music, movies,
individual and group talent, or
folk music will be provided
weekly, although the format
will vary.

Admission to Operation
Entertainment is $.50, which
covers entertainment, beer and
soft drinks from week to

Anyone wishing to produce
an act for Operation
Entertainment should call
Mark at 977-1963, or leave a
note at 3 Metcalf House.

NYT Names Editor


Reception Scheduled

President and Mrs. Edgar F.
Shannon Jr. will hold their
annual faculty reception at
Carr's Hill today from 5 to 7

In case of inclement
weather the reception will still
be held at the Shannons' home,
rather than Newcomb Hall as
earlier reported.