University of Virginia Library


Kerr To Speak On Protests

Student Council representative Chris
Kerr will be interviewed tonight on the
"University Report," a television news
show conducted by the WUVA news

Mr. Kerr will answer questions
concerning the recent anti-war
demonstrations and, in particular, the
role of the Guerrilla Theater.

Mr. Kerr has actively participated in
the demonstrations protesting the
Southeast Asian war.

The telecast will be aired at 6:15 and
8:15 p.m. on Channel 10.

Squire Trial Postponed

The trial of Steve Squire, who was
arrested on charges of disorderly conduct
after a scuffle with Vice President D.
Alan Williams Saturday, was continued
until 11 a.m. Thursday. The defendant
requested the continuance following an
amendment of the warrant to comply
with state statutes.

Judge E. C. Wingfield granted the
motion to give the defense time to
research the relevancy of a recent
Supreme Court decision regarding
disorderly conduct arrest warrants.

IFC Interviews

The schedule for IFC committee
interviews is posted on the IFC window
in Newcomb Hall, third Floor. The
interviews will take place Monday night
beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the IFC offices.

The President's Council will meet
Tuesday, May 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the
Newcomb Hall Informal Lounge to vote
on candidates for Governing Board seats
and two Committee for Fraternities seats.

Co-operative Meeting

A meeting to implement plans for the
formation of the Charlottesville
Co-operative will be Sunday at 7 p.m. at
the Free Medical Clinic at 10th and
Wertland Streets.

Tentative plans include the
establishment of different departments
for food, gardening, automotive, books,
clothes and other items.

Anyone having experience in
operating co-operatives in other areas, or
who is interested in the formation of a
co-operative should attend.