University of Virginia Library

Open Forum To Focus On Issues
Confronting Colleges, Legislators


Student representatives from Virginia
colleges will meet with state legislators at
the second annual Student-Legislator
Open Forum in Richmond today through

Fifteen University students are among
the 130 students and 60-70 legislators
participating in the forum meeting at the
John Marshall Hotel.

Discussion of 1972 General Assembly
action and education in Virginia is the
program's focus. Student and legislative
participants will divide into small groups
throughout the session to discuss various
issues currently confronting colleges and
the state government.

Fourth-year student Alan Botsford,
forum steering committee co-chairman,
and second-year student Larry Sabato,
steering committee member, said
suggested discussion topics include
parietal hours, out-of-state student ratio,
University funding and consumer issues.

The forum steering committee planned
the conference and raised its funds
through contributions from businesses.

Gov. Linwood Holton will deliver the
forum's keynote address at a luncheon
Saturday. Lt. Gov. Henry Howell and
Atty. Gen. Andrew Miller will attend
forum sessions.

The number of participants from each
school is determined by the size of the
school represented, which is why the
University has so many representatives,
Mr. Botsford said.

University students attending in
addition to Mr. Botsford and Mr. Sabato
are Gail Hughes, Diane Randall, Debbie
Sanders, John Tredennick, Tom Phillips,
Steve Edwards, Scott Tollefsen, Margaret
Alford, Rita Pascoe, Cathy Cornwell,
Willie Ivey, Julia Reaves, and Jim Rinaca.

This year's forum will be dedicated to
the late Lt. Gov. J. Sargeant Reynolds,
who helped plan last year's forum, Mr.
Botsford said.