University of Virginia Library


Newcomb Artwork Stolen

John J. Herring, the Director of
Newcomb Hall, has offered a $25 reward
for the return of an irreplaceable rubbing
stolen from Newcomb Hall last Friday
morning. A $100 reward is being offered
for information leading to the return of
the art work and the eventual
apprehension of the thief.

The missing rubbing is one of a pair
made from an English Cathedral tomb.
They were donated to the University by
Mrs. C.M. Luman and her daughter just
over two years ago.

A series of miscellaneous thefts have
occurred during the year. Among the
items reported missing are a dozen
phonograph needles from the listening
room and personal items from the coat

Graduate Volunteers

The Graduate School Council, which
sponsors a Happy Hour in the Graduate
Lounge every Friday evening from 5 to 7,
needs volunteers to continue this
program, according to Thomas Mason,
chairman of the Council.

Previous efforts to enlist help have
failed, and now the problem has become
so large that the Council is faced with the
decision of whether or not to continue
the Happy Hour. The Council is
especially in need of a manager for this
program which it hopes to find before
March 3.

Volunteers are asked to contact
Thomas Mason or Bob Heller, the
Council's social chairman, or they may
attend the Graduate School meeting
Monday, Feb. 28, at 7:30 p.m. in room
4A, Newcomb Hall, where the future of
the Happy Hour will be discussed.