University of Virginia Library


Poet Probes Student Action

Don Lee, "Poet in Residence" at
Howard University in Washington, D.C.,
will speak tonight at 8 p.m. in the
Chemistry Building on "Black Poetry."
He will analyze the black student
movement and read selections from his

Publisher and editor of "The Third
World Press of Chicago", Mr. Lee has
written several books of poetry. These
include Think Black, Black Pride, Don't
Cry, Scream,
and We Walk the Way of the
New World.
He has also made an in-depth
study of the contemporary black arts
movement entitled Dynamite/Voices:
Black Poets of the 1960's.

Poetry Prize

For the seventeenth consecutive year
the Academy of American Poets will
offer a $100 prize for the best poem or
group of poems submitted by a
University student.

There is no restriction on number,
form, or word length of individual poems;
but students are requested not to submit
more than 120 lines of poetry. All
contributions must be turned into the
English Department, 115 Wilson Hall, by
April 20.

Bangladesh Visit


Hathaway Cancels

Donnie Hathaway, scheduled to
appear for the Midwinter's concert Friday
night, cancelled his performance
announced the University Uni on
yesterday. A spokesman for the Union
said that "all they told us was that he is
sick.", president of the Student Council,
said that "we are trying to get Mary
Clayton, a soul performer, however it is
not certain yet." Miss Clayton has just
released a new album.

Nina Simona will appear for the
concert at 8 p.m. in University Hall.
Tickets are $3 for students and $3.50 for