University of Virginia Library

Judiciary Clarifies Policy
Concerning Student ID Use

Due to increasing concern about the
misuse of student identification cards at
athletic contests, the Honor Committee
and the Judiciary Committee has issued
the following joint statement to students
as a clarification of policy.

Misuse of student identification cards
shall include use by a person other than
the student owner and shall come within
the jurisdiction of the Judiciary
Committee. Such misuse of student
identification cards in conduct prohibited
under the University's Standards of
Conduct and as such is subject to

Misuse Prohibited

Section 7 of the Standards of Conduct
prohibits any "alteration, fabrication or
misuse of University documents, records
or identification cards, or like acts which
adversely affect the University's
education interest. Only those students
having paid the comprehensive fee on
toto will be permitted to use the
identification card for admission to
intercollegiate athletic contests.

"The Judiciary Committee has asked
the ushers to check ID cards carefully
and to refer violators to the Judiciary
Committee. Should any misuse of an ID
card be found, the ushers have been
instructed to collect the card and to turn
it over to the Judiciary Committee. Any
student found guilty by the Judiciary
Committee of misusing his identification
card at an athletic contest shall be subject
to the full range of disciplinary sanctions
of the Judiciary Committee.

"The Student Vouching Committee
shall continue to handle the problem of
students who arrive at athletic events
without their identification cards and
who want admission. Student who vouch
for another student are explicitly stating
on their honor that another person is a
student. A misrepresentation to the
Vouching Committee is "clearly violation
of the spirit of the Honor System," the
statement concluded.