University of Virginia Library


Famous Biographer To Depict Historian's Life

Dumas Malone, Biographer in
Residence, will speak in the McGregor
Room of Alderman Library tomorrow at
8 p.m. "An Historian's Life: Yesterday
and Today" will be the subject of his talk
which is sponsored by the History Club.

Mr. Malone is presently writing the
multi-volume biography, Jefferson and
His Time.
He was editor of the Dictionary
of American Biography.

Vouching Policy

In light of the new basketball ticket
policy, the Judiciary Vouching
Committee yesterday released a
statement on the procedure for this
season's games:

"In order to gain admission to a
basketball game a student must have both
a ticket and his student identification
card. No student will be admitted
without a ticket. Students who have a
ticket but have lost or forgotten their I.D.
card may be vouched for by another
student who has his I.D. card with him."

The committee announced that
members will be manning a vouching
table at the main entrance to University
Hall from 6:15 to 8:10 p.m. before
basketball games. They request that
students who have lost their I.D. cards
come to University Hall during that

Students are reminded that "vouching
for non-students or transferring student
I.D.'s to non-students violates the spirit
of the Honor System."

Law Candidates

In Friday's Cavalier Daily it was
incorrectly reported that Rawles Jones
was running unopposed for the Law
School seat to Student Council.

Michael Smith and Jay Waldron are also
running for the position. Mr. Waldron,